
Introduction to National Airport Noise Footprint Simulator

(Notice: Because of new security measures with java applets, some browsers may filter out the java applet, so this page may not work for you. However, it stills works on Apple's OS 10.6.8 or eqivalent PC operating system.)

You initiate a flight out of National Airport by clicking the Take Off button. Flights move northwest up the Potomac River (default direction) until they reach the edge of the map, or until you click the Erase Flight button. Clicking the Erase Flight button twice resets the altitude to zero.

A flight is represented by the intersection of its noise bubbles with the surface of the earth.

You can adjust factors influencing surface sound by adjusting scrollbars at the right of the map. National Airport "North Operations" is the default direction (shown as 328 degrees Northwest). "South Operations" can be seen by adjusting the Direction scrollbar towards the right end to 190 degrees. Flights departing up the Anacostia River can be viewed by setting the Direction scrollbar towards the left side to 48 degrees Northeast. Showing what the sound footprint is for different types of aircraft can be seen by setting the Engine Noise scrollbar to the values shown below.

Another scrollbar - the Time Multiplier - adjusts the extent to which the simulation is faster than life. The pace can be set at real time by selecting a 1:1 multiplier.

Results are approximate since additional factors (like weather and sound frequency) affect how noise travels. Nevertheless the simulator provides insights concerning airplane noise, and what remedies would be most effective at a particular location.

This interactive aircraft noise simulator comes to you courtesy of Save Our Sky in Indianapolis, IN. SOS is now off the "air."